
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

las vegas pt. 2

Still at the conference. Today sucked rocks.

And the topic was a good one, too - software requirements. The presenter really was very nice. But he talked more about his family than about requirements. I feel like I've known him all my life.

Unfortunately, if you've signed up for a bad tutorial here, you can’t sneak into another one. There are QA Bouncers that stand at the door to each conference room.

We all have our "approved" tutorials typed on our badges. If you try to sneak past with the wrong tutorial on your badge, you get escorted back to your assigned one.

One kid got pretty loud about it yesterday, shouting about it being a free country and all - they took him outside and nobody’s seen him since.

I heard a guy say that he heard somebody say that they'd heard that someone had found the kid's conference badge in a dumpster out back of the hotel… with some blood on it.

But no sign of the kid.

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