Now I'd been waiting, oh, twenty years for this to happen. Twenty years with nothing but 3 or 4 grainy, non-subtitled episodes - poor quality VHS recorded from satellite TV.
I watched - I mean, it was Spider-Man - but I watched clueless as to what was being said, who was saying it - any and all subtlety of plot completely missed.
One day, I thought, all these things will be made known. Because, eventually, EVERYTHING comes out on DVD. With Extras.
And this did too.
I was to my laptop and online in an instant, wallet open and ready. I scanned down The Official Website, initial joy turning first to doubt, then to a slack-jawed incredulousness.
My mind numbed and I hurtled downward into a dark cavity of shock, experiencing a soul disfiguring and planet shaking horror that tore me body and spirit, as I sought desperately those three... life... giving... words...
They weren't there.
Oh, so slowly, I clawed my way back to reality. And it hit me that I had a very portentous decision to make:
Buy now for the vastly improved visual and sound quality, while CONTINUING to be lost in ignorance as to plot and characterization?
Or hold off, hoping against all sense, judgment and rationality that the English speaking fan base is somehow enough to warrant another - subtitled - release in the near to moderate future?
With my very spidey-world hanging in the balance, I chose to wait.
And wait.