... as I stepped into the shower, I did my usual spider-check: tub--clear. walls--clear. shower curtain--clear. Then I happened to glance up at the ceiling and saw
It was big as a house.
Well, of course, showering with the beast ready to drop onto my unprotected noggin was out of the question. Luckily, I keep a house-sized glass mason jar for just such emergencies.
I made a run to the kitchen for the jar and, after a brief scuffle, had the eight legged fiend inside. Having first seen the spider on my ceiling should have clued me in that it was a climber, but I didn't (clue-in) until it made an immediate dash up the jar's side toward the open top.
Another mad dash to the kitchen for plastic wrap and it was my hapless prisoner. I was once again in the showering business. You wanna see a picture...?
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