
Cheese 'n' Rice! Like readin' a freakin' legal contract....
1. What is your name:
Dan (Dan Dan Bo Ban Fee Fi Fo Fan Ohhhhhhhhh Dan)
2. A four Letter Word:
Dick. (The boys NAME, people! sheesh)
3. A boy's Name:
Dagwood. (And not just the cartoon guy--It's real. I looked it up.)
4. A girl's Name:
Delilah. (Tom Jones, with pants tight and chest bare, sang about her. So tragic.)
5. An occupation:
Dragon Slayer. (Business was better in the middle ages, I hear.)
6. A color:
Damson. (Yeah, like I knew THAT off the top of my head....)
7. Something you'll wear:
Dickie. (Yes, my mom had little turtleneck dickies for Jon and I to wear under our sweaters when we were wee lads.)
8. A book title:
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Own it. Read it.)
9. A food:
Duck. (Just don't try to picture it alive.)
10. Something found in the bathroom:
Drowning bugs. (Woe be unto any earwigs found scuttling about the tub at shower time.)
11. A place:
Dublin. (Pink Hearts, Orange Stars, Yellow Moons, Green Clovers, and--NEW--Blue Diamonds!)
12. A reason for being late:
Dead. (It's the ultimate excuse.)
13. Something you'd shout:
Damn it! I'm tired of you trying to confuse this girl's mind! This is her big chance and yours too! You know there are stars in Princeton the same way there are in Hollywood Jack. You want out, you want me to cable Harvard or Yale and get Kong another keeper? (I would shout this if I were Charles Grodin and it was 1976.)
14. A movie title:
15. Something you drink:
Dr. Pepper. (Wouldn't YOU like to be a pepper too?)
16. A musical group:
Dokken. (To be shouted while wearing sleevless tshirt and holding lighter above head.)
17. An animal:
Dinosaurus! Alive With Thrills! Today's most astounding adventure...that started a million years ago! (Well, it's a movie ABOUT a dinosaur, which IS an animal....)
18. A street name:
Dan Drive (not far from my very own home.)
19. A type of car:
DeSoto. Coupé, 1939. (A fine looking automobile....)
20. The title of a song:
D'ya Think I'm Sexy (MmHmmm, SING it Rod...)
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