Of course, Toast wanted to go with me. I said, not this time, but....
When I went out to the car, he was sitting there already buckled in. It's tough to say no to a face like that, so I said okay, you can hold the shopping list.
Toast loves taking car rides. He doesn't get to drive since he can't reach the pedals or see over the dash of a regular sized car. But, obviously, he can and does drive whenever we come across a Toast sized car.
Which, on the whole, is not that often.

True to his word, when we got into the store Toast climbed right into the shopping basket seat and held on to the list. He called out each item as we went down the isles and did a very nice job of keeping us on track.

I said Toast, you've done such a nice job you can pick out one item for yourself, as long as it's not over a dollar. He said, can I have a dark chocolate Snickers bar? I said, if you'll wait till after breakfast to eat it. He said okay.
Toast loves dark chocolate and held onto that Snickers bar like it was the last one in the world, all the way up to the counter.

When i was starting up the car to head back home, Toast grabbed my camera and took a picture of me. I said Toast, you know I don't let you use the camera without asking first. But he smiled so sweetly that I told him we would spend a few minutes taking pictures together later in the day.

As usual when we're in the car, Toast was a fountain of questions: Why are we stopping? Is it a red light? Who decided that red is for stop and green is for go? Who invented roads? If there were no roads would we still have cars...?
I just smiled and answered the best I could.

It's always fun taking a drive with Toast.
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