(EV. ER.)
Yes... yes it IS a King Kong nightshirt with matching nightcap.
And you're thinking - HOW did this happen?
WHERE could he possibly have obtained such a marvel?
...Not at the King Kong Store (would that there were such a paradise).
Nope, instead, my sweet wife made it for me. Well, she got by with a little help from her friend. Y'know, like the Beatles.
Some weeks before Christmas, she snuck my other nightshirt with matching nightcap out of my jammie drawer, took it over to Diana's house and Diana helped her make - The Kong Sleeper.
Why (you may ask) didn't I notice my original nightshirt missing from the jammie drawer? Because. I don't wear it much - even in the winter. IT. IS. SO. HOT. You could sleep outdoors, in December, in this thing. Really.
So the new Kong Sleeper is a much, much lighter fabric that I can stand to be in while I sleep. And it's so hep, to boot.
Oh, and which Kong version do we have pictured on the shirt?
Indeed, you are correct - it's from 1962s King Kong versus Godzilla. Note the impressive detail. Eighth Wonder....
The nightcap is the finishing touch... the - crown - if you will. (Get it? Crown? KING Kong?)
Ohhh, I kill myself sometimes....
Anyway, for your added enjoyment, photos of all the screen Kongs I can think of....
First, we have the original and still top gun - (King Kong) from 1933. Willis O'Brien did the effects that just rocked the movie-going world and stand up pretty well even now.

Then, 30 years later, things went straight to hell with 1962s Japanese take - (King Kong versus Godzilla)....

1967 brought another Japanese attempt - (King Kong Escapes). Marginally cooler. But far, far from actually being cool.

A measurable increase in dignity came in 1976 with Dino DeLaurentis' remake, (King Kong). Really, this generally maligned version was a pretty good attempt - it gets panned these days 'cause it was a VERY 70s movie and doesn't age well, IMHO. And Rick Baker in the suit was just amazing.

1986's (King Kong Lives), a sequel by DeLaurentis, has Kong SURVIVING his 110 story fall and getting an artificial heart so he's good as new.... The movie was just as bad as this photo makes it look.

And Peter Jackson's remake in 2005 (King Kong) finally brought Kong back to his former glory. Nearly. As much as you can with a classic like the original was. Jackson grew up loving the original and wanting to pay homage to it rather than just "remake" it. And he did a nice job - the movie has heart.
The fact is, while I saw it at the theater once and now own it on DVD, I haven't watched it a second time because it was quite disturbing to me when the ape got shot up at the end. That's what happens when you get an ape that feels real throughout the film and you get to care about him. I'm a sentimental old fool....

yeah. so THE END
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