
Friday, February 27, 2009

15 Reasons Mr. Rogers Was the Best Neighbor Ever

I saw this at and, being a Fred fan, it touched me....

15 Reasons Mr. Rogers Was the Best Neighbor Ever
By Mangesh Hattikudur - November 7, 2008

1. Even Koko the Gorilla loved him

Most people have heard of Koko, the Stanford-educated gorilla who could speak about 1000 words in American Sign Language, and understand about 2000 in English. What most people don’t know, however, is that Koko was an avid Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood fan. As Esquire reported, when Fred Rogers took a trip out to meet Koko for his show, not only did she immediately wrap her arms around him and embrace him, she did what she’d always seen him do onscreen: she proceeded to take his shoes off!

2. He Made Thieves Think Twice

According to a TV Guide piece on him, Fred Rogers drove a plain old Impala for years. One day, however, the car was stolen from the street near the TV station. When Rogers filed a police report, the story was picked up by every newspaper, radio and media outlet around town. Amazingly, within 48 hours the car was left in the exact spot where it was taken from, with an apology on the dashboard. It read, “If we’d known it was yours, we never would have taken it.”

3. He Watched His Figure to the Pound!

In covering Rogers’ daily routine (waking up at 5; praying for a few hours for all of his friends and family; studying; writing, making calls and reaching out to every fan who took the time to write him; going for a morning swim; getting on a scale; then really starting his day), writer Tom Junod explained that Mr. Rogers weighed in at exactly 143 pounds every day for the last 30 years of his life. He didn’t smoke, didn’t drink, didn’t eat the flesh of any animals, and was extremely disciplined in his daily routine. And while I’m not sure if any of that was because he’d mostly grown up a chubby, single child, Junod points out that Rogers found beauty in the number 143. According to the piece, Rogers came “to see that number as a gift… because, as he says, “the number 143 means ‘I love you.’ It takes one letter to say ‘I’ and four letters to say ‘love’ and three letters to say ‘you’: One hundred and forty-three.”

4. He Saved Both Public Television and the VCR

Strange but true: When the government wanted to cut Public Television funds in 1969, the relatively unknown Mister Rogers went to Washington. Almost straight out of a Capra film, his 5-6 minute testimony on how TV had the potential to give kids hope and create more productive citizens was so simple but passionate that even the most gruff politicians were charmed. While the budget should have been cut, the funding instead jumped from $9 to $22 million. Rogers also spoke to Congress, and swayed senators into voting to allow VCR’s to record television shows from the home. It was a cantankerous debate at the time, but his argument was that recording a program like his allowed working parents to sit down with their children and watch shows as a family.

5. He Might Have Been the Most Tolerant American Ever

Mister Rogers seems to have been almost exactly the same off-screen as he was onscreen. As an ordained Presbyterian minister, and a man of tremendous faith, Mister Rogers preached tolerance first. Whenever he was asked to castigate non-Christians or gays for their differing beliefs, he would instead face them and say, with sincerity, “God loves you just the way you are.” Often this provoked ire from fundamentalists.

6. He Was Genuinely Curious about Others

Mister Rogers was known as one of the toughest interviews because he’d often befriend reporters, asking them tons of questions, taking pictures of them, compiling an album for them at the end of their time together, and calling them after to check in on them and hear about their families. He wasn’t concerned with himself, and genuinely loved hearing the life stories of others. Amazingly, it wasn’t just with reporters. Once, on a fancy trip up to a PBS exec’s house, he heard the limo driver was going to wait outside for 2 hours, so he insisted the driver come in and join them (which flustered the host). On the way back, Rogers sat up front, and when he learned that they were passing the driver’s home on the way, he asked if they could stop in to meet his family. According to the driver, it was one of the best nights of his life—the house supposedly lit up when Rogers arrived, and he played jazz piano and bantered with them late into the night. Further, like with the reporters, Rogers sent him notes and kept in touch with the driver for the rest of his life.

7. He was Color-blind

Literally. He couldn’t see the color blue. Of course, he was also figuratively color-blind, as you probably guessed. As were his parents who took in a black foster child when Rogers was growing up.

8. He Could Make a Subway Car full of Strangers Sing

Once while rushing to a New York meeting, there were no cabs available, so Rogers and one of his colleagues hopped on the subway. Esquire reported that the car was filled with people, and they assumed they wouldn’t be noticed. But when the crowd spotted Rogers, they all simultaneously burst into song, chanting “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.” The result made Rogers smile wide.

9. He got into TV because he hated TV.

The first time he turned one on, he saw people angrily throwing pies in each other’s faces. He immediately vowed to use the medium for better than that. Over the years he covered topics as varied as why kids shouldn’t be scared of a haircut, or the bathroom drain (because you won’t fit!), to divorce and war.

10. He was an Ivy League Dropout.

Rogers moved from Dartmouth to Rollins College to pursue his studies in music.

11. He composed all the songs on the show,

And over 200 other tunes.

12. He was a perfectionist, and disliked ad-libbing.

He felt he owed it to children to make sure every word on his show was thought out.

13. Michael Keaton got his start on the show

As an assistant– helping puppeteer and operate the trolley.

14. Several characters on the show are named for his family.

Queen Sara is named after Rogers’ wife, and the postman Mr. McFeely is named for his maternal grandfather who always talked to him like an adult, and reminded young Fred that he made every day special just by being himself. Sound familiar? It was the same way Mister Rogers closed every show.

15. The sweaters.

Every one of the cardigans he wore on the show had been hand-knit by his mother.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I thought I would take a moment... show you my favorite Christmas present EVER.

(EV. ER.)

Yes... yes it IS a King Kong nightshirt with matching nightcap.

And you're thinking - HOW did this happen?

WHERE could he possibly have obtained such a marvel?

...Not at the King Kong Store (would that there were such a paradise).

Nope, instead, my sweet wife made it for me. Well, she got by with a little help from her friend. Y'know, like the Beatles.

Some weeks before Christmas, she snuck my other nightshirt with matching nightcap out of my jammie drawer, took it over to Diana's house and Diana helped her make - The Kong Sleeper.


Why (you may ask) didn't I notice my original nightshirt missing from the jammie drawer? Because. I don't wear it much - even in the winter. IT. IS. SO. HOT. You could sleep outdoors, in December, in this thing. Really.

So the new Kong Sleeper is a much, much lighter fabric that I can stand to be in while I sleep. And it's so hep, to boot.

Oh, and which Kong version do we have pictured on the shirt?

Indeed, you are correct - it's from 1962s King Kong versus Godzilla. Note the impressive detail. Eighth Wonder....

The nightcap is the finishing touch... the - crown - if you will. (Get it? Crown? KING Kong?)


Ohhh, I kill myself sometimes....

Anyway, for your added enjoyment, photos of all the screen Kongs I can think of....

First, we have the original and still top gun - (King Kong) from 1933. Willis O'Brien did the effects that just rocked the movie-going world and stand up pretty well even now.

Then, 30 years later, things went straight to hell with 1962s Japanese take - (King Kong versus Godzilla)....

1967 brought another Japanese attempt - (King Kong Escapes). Marginally cooler. But far, far from actually being cool.

A measurable increase in dignity came in 1976 with Dino DeLaurentis' remake, (King Kong). Really, this generally maligned version was a pretty good attempt - it gets panned these days 'cause it was a VERY 70s movie and doesn't age well, IMHO. And Rick Baker in the suit was just amazing.

1986's (King Kong Lives), a sequel by DeLaurentis, has Kong SURVIVING his 110 story fall and getting an artificial heart so he's good as new.... The movie was just as bad as this photo makes it look.

And Peter Jackson's remake in 2005 (King Kong) finally brought Kong back to his former glory. Nearly. As much as you can with a classic like the original was. Jackson grew up loving the original and wanting to pay homage to it rather than just "remake" it. And he did a nice job - the movie has heart.

The fact is, while I saw it at the theater once and now own it on DVD, I haven't watched it a second time because it was quite disturbing to me when the ape got shot up at the end. That's what happens when you get an ape that feels real throughout the film and you get to care about him. I'm a sentimental old fool....


yeah. so THE END

Sunday, February 15, 2009

toast goes shopping

On Valentine's Day morning, I went to the store to get some breakfast fixings. Paula and I had a hankering for breakfast, but knew all the IHOP type places would have waiting lines a mile long.

Of course, Toast wanted to go with me. I said, not this time, but....

When I went out to the car, he was sitting there already buckled in. It's tough to say no to a face like that, so I said okay, you can hold the shopping list.

Toast loves taking car rides. He doesn't get to drive since he can't reach the pedals or see over the dash of a regular sized car. But, obviously, he can and does drive whenever we come across a Toast sized car.

Which, on the whole, is not that often.

True to his word, when we got into the store Toast climbed right into the shopping basket seat and held on to the list. He called out each item as we went down the isles and did a very nice job of keeping us on track.

I said Toast, you've done such a nice job you can pick out one item for yourself, as long as it's not over a dollar. He said, can I have a dark chocolate Snickers bar? I said, if you'll wait till after breakfast to eat it. He said okay.

Toast loves dark chocolate and held onto that Snickers bar like it was the last one in the world, all the way up to the counter.

When i was starting up the car to head back home, Toast grabbed my camera and took a picture of me. I said Toast, you know I don't let you use the camera without asking first. But he smiled so sweetly that I told him we would spend a few minutes taking pictures together later in the day.

As usual when we're in the car, Toast was a fountain of questions: Why are we stopping? Is it a red light? Who decided that red is for stop and green is for go? Who invented roads? If there were no roads would we still have cars...?

I just smiled and answered the best I could.

It's always fun taking a drive with Toast.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Bucket List, etc.

My responses to the latest e-mail surveys - sent to me by my boss. I think I get most of 'em from her....

Have you ever...

(X) Gone on a blind date (sadly, yes)

(X) Skipped school (has anyone NOT done this?)

(X) Watched someone die (when I was a social worker)

(X) Been to Canada (like half a mile over the border, just to say I did)

() Been to Mexico

() Been to Florida

(X) Been on a plane

(X) Been lost

(X) Been on the opposite side of the country

(X) Gone to Washington, DC (airport layover, never actually saw the city)

(X) Swam in the ocean

(X) Cried yourself to sleep

(X) Played cops and robbers

() Recently colored with crayons

() Sang Karaoke (if I drank and was drunk, I might do this)

(X) Paid for a meal with coins only

(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't (how many thousands of times?)

(X) Made prank phone calls

(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose

(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue

(X) How about a snowball in the face

(X) Danced in the rain

(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus

(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe

(X) Watched the sunrise with someone

(X) Blown bubbles (the soap kind)

() Gone ice-skating

(X) Been skinny dipping outdoors (a favorite activity)

(X) Gone to the movies (whaa...?)

(X) Rode on a Motorcycle

(X) Did any acting or on stage performances

(X) Shot a gun

1. Your nickname?
Broth (as in "brother"), Danny, HE WHO MUST BE OBEYED.

2. Your Mother's name?
Carolyn, went by Carol in her later years.

3. Your Favorite drink?
Sugar-Free Dr. Pepper. Or Vault, if I'm really tired at work.

4. Do you have any Body Piercings?

5. Do you have any Tattoos?
Nope. Just call me Mr. Natural….

6. How much do you love your job?
I loved it a lot more before it got all "Corporate-y".

7. Your Birthplace?
Marysville, California USA.

8. Favorite vacation spot?
Anywhere with a sunny beach. Anywhere in Thailand.

9. Ever been to Africa?
Not yet.

10. Ever eaten just cookies for dinner?
Soooo many times…. This morning I had cookies for breakfast.

11. Ever been on TV?

12. Ever steal any traffic signs?
In college, I kept one that someone else stole; does that count?

13. Ever been in a car accident?
A few. Maybe "several" would be more accurate. All the other guy's fault, I'm sure.

14. Do you drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle or no vehicle?
Four doors. Three of them work.

15. Your Favorite number?
x+1 = (x + y / (x) n-1) / 2…. Not really. I found this on a website – it's a recursive something-or-other formula. I don't have a favorite number.

16. Your Favorite movie?
Today it's "Creature from the Black Lagoon". Tomorrow…?

17. Your Favorite holiday?
I apologize, but holidays are a pain in my ass.

18. Your Favorite dessert?
Chocolaty Chocolate Chocolates.

19. Your Favorite food?
I'm easy. No favorites here. I like Salmon.

20. Your Favorite day of the week?
Friday afternoon, about 5 through Saturday evening around 8.

21. How do you relax?
With a good book, or a nap, or on the computer.

22. How do you see yourself in 10 years?
As a philanthropist.

23. Furthest place you will send this message?
Thailand. Second farthest would be Denmark. Closest is one cubicle over.

24. Who will respond to this the fastest?
Why is this question always on these surveys? Is there a prize for answering first? I will give a prize to whoever answers first....