I had dropped by the bookstore on my lunch break.
Making the usual rounds at the magazine racks amongst the technology, film, art, photography, and writing sections, I stumbled across something new (to me).
It's cover - with the word GEEK splashed across it - intrigued me, so I added it to my usual pile of magazines-to-leaf-through-and-then-leave-on-the-table-not-EVEN-putting-them-back-where-they-belong and moved on.
Some time later, at above mentioned table, I reached above mentioned magazine near the bottom of the pile - an unassuming little periodical called Geek Monthly.
I began to thumb through it: Ah, here's a little Q&A article on computer hardware and a What's New in Tech Gadgets. Nice.
A bit further on: Reviews on odd and out of the way films. An article with a bunch of Best ThisOrThat of 2008s - think sci fi and horror films, novels and such. Wow. I was starting to sweat a little.
Further into the magazine: A satirical photo article using Superman and She-Hulk action figures to illustrate and, across the page - ads for buying Godzilla and Superhero toys?! Seriously?? I must have inadvertently whined, deep in my throat, because a couple of people looked over at me and then left.
Now, if only it had something on my much loved Asian "stuff": WHAT? Regular offerings for anime, manga and Japanese culture??? Not POSSIBLE! But there it was, right in front of me. My eyes rolled back as I headed into a full blown geek seizure (a... geezure... if you will).
On it went, interviews with geeky actors, authors, movie makers. Classic cult TV shows, PC games, recent tech announcements from medical and business, toys and comics.... Nearly every hobby, obsession and character defect I have, hidden under just one cover.
So I bought it. Then I ran right back to the office, brought up the website, and subscribed to it. And now I'm at home... reading it.
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