One of the nifty things about my Blockbuster Online DVD rental program is that you can take your mail-in disc back to a Blockbuster store and trade it in for a free movie there (to watch while you're waiting for the next one to come in the mail).
Today I took Dog Soldiers (a not-to-bad werewolf flick) into the store and began my search for the PERFECT MOVIE.
Anyone who's had the misfortune of accompanying me to a video rental store knows I can't get out of there in under an hour. Don't ask me why; something to do with my need to systematically scour each and every section, picking up and carrying "maybes" along the way, then figure out which one or two I really want and put all the others back.
Today was no exception as I started out in the Special Interest section, moved on to Foreign, then Horror, and finished up with a trip around the store's inside perimeter - the always exciting New Releases.
After about an hour and a half, I did manage to find a couple of movies to take with me: a Thai doesn't-really-fit-into-any-category film called The Last Life in the Universe and yet another evil-corporation-clones-a-dinosaur-but-then-it-gets-loose movie called... I've forgotten what it was called.
Anyway, I took these up to the checkout lady, and with a cordial "How you doin'?" whipped out my Blockbuster card and slid it across the counter, along with the mail-in exchange DVD.
She glanced down and then back to me and said "This isn't a Blockbuster store." (..........) "It's a Hollywood Video; Blockbuster's across the street on the opposite corner."
"D'you still want to get these?"